Статья в зарубежном сборнике «Становление современной науки — 2013»

Автор: Елена Багнюкова Опубликовано: 22.12.2013 Рубрика: Это интересно |

Some psychological aspects of learning foreign language

Bad teacher teaches the subject.

Not good teacher helps to understand the essence subject.

A good teacher helps us to understand ourselves through the understanding of the subject.

Do we, the teachers of a foreign language, understand the uniqueness of our subject? After all, our lessons are essentially the only simulating real events and diverse communication situations in a class.

Lessons of a foreign language are a fertile ground for the formation of personal development. Students are not only master the skills of speaking and understanding a foreign language, but also learn with psychological, cultural, moral peculiarities of the peoples living in different countries.

There is no doubt that the modern teacher cannot act as a mechanical performer certain practical operations due to the narrow limits of private teaching methods. It is necessary to take into account the full range of features of the student’s personality, consciously create conditions for the development of cognitive and intellectual abilities of students to interact in the course of training work with students to form learning motivation, otherwise, it is unlikely learning a foreign language will be successful. Therefore a crucial role in learning a foreign language is the inclusion of psychological and psycholinguistic features of learning.

The question of the psychological foundations of linguistics stands on the first level of training before the practical work of the teacher and the student. It concerns the choice procedures in the broad sense. This is not about practical techniques, training and exercises (though for them in the long running), and the basic psychological approaches that define the theoretical bases of the methods. An example of this is the use of techniques based on different psychological approaches such as the audio linguistic and cognitive. The audio linguistic method, which was formed on the basis of behaviorism, reduces the acquisition of language skills in the process of forming as a result of fixed reactions in case of positive reinforcement. The basis of language learning is laid samples subjected to mechanical training through transformational exercises, which provides and memorizing language material. In contrast to the behaviorists, describing the behavior, including verbal, in its external manifestation, cognitive psychology has focused on the underlying mental processes are not subject to external observation. So, the theory of cognitive code, which arose in the depths of cognitive, placed the emphasis on the knowledge of the language by mental processes, with different styles and strategies of teaching as a cognitive activity.

And if the account psychological characteristic forms the foundation of a private method, its practical implementation in the form of specific tasks, development of educational material, the creation of textbooks is the tangible result of the real practical application of psychological science.

Here some tips on how to better grasp of learning.
1.  Your brain can effectively focus and concentrate for up to 25 minutes (adults). Take a 10-minute break after every 20-30 minutes of studying. Go do some chores: rake the lawn, iron a shirt, vacuum. Come back after 10 minutes and do another focused, intense session.

2. Your brain loves questions. A good question has more than one answer. Your brain needs to be rested to learn fast and remember best. If you are tired take a 20-minute nap first otherwise you are wasting your study time.

3. Your brain needs oxygen. Get out there and exercise.

4. Your brain doesn’t know what you can’t do until you tell it. What are you telling it? Listen to your self-talk. Stop the negativity. Replace it with more positive, encouraging talk.

5. Your brain loves fun. We learn in direct proportion to how much fun we are having. Learning is life. Live it up!

6. Your brain is like a motor: it needs fuel. Junk food and imitation food and all the chemicals and preservatives weaken both your body and your mind. In fact, a recent study in England showed that your IQ is affected by your diet.


7. Your brain and body communicate constantly. In any learning situation, sit up and lean forward to help keep your mind alert. Buy a good quality, adjustable office chair.

8. Your brain and body communicate constantly. In any learning situation, sit up and lean forward to help keep your mind alert. Buy a good quality, adjustable office chair.

9. Your brain is affected by smells. Use aromatherapy to keep your brain alert. Peppermint, lemon and cinnamon are good ones to experiment with.

10. Your brain can understand faster than you can read. Use a pencil or finger to “lead” your eyes. So you help your eyes move more quickly.

11. Your brain needs space. Be sure that you are not trying to study in a small area.

12. Your brain needs your space to be organized. One recent study showed that kids who grow up in tidy, organized homes do better academically. Why? Because by being trained to organize the outside environment, the brain learns to organize the internal knowledge…which makes recall faster.


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