Статья в зарубежном сборнике «Стратегические вопросы мировой науки» — 2014

Автор: Елена Багнюкова Опубликовано: 16.11.2014 Рубрика: Это интересно |

Features of educational activity among teens.

Before we discuss the motivation of development of educational activity of students of secondary school, it is necessary to determine how teens are psychologically different from adolescence and adults.

Teenage years are characterized by the effort of independence of children from adults in all areas of their behaviour. If the junior high school student, despite his extraordinary external mobility and the apparent disobedience, is still totally dependent on adults who(if they are authoritative) can influence on the mentality and behaviour of the child, the teenager is much more independent and less malleable external psychological influence, especially by  adults, parents and teachers.

Adolescence is characterized by the increased attention of the child to himself, to his appearance, self-knowledge and self-education. If the majority of younger students still do not actually have a special, independent opinion from adults relationship to them is different psychological multicolored:  children know, partly correctly can evaluate themselves with both positive and negative sides, seeing their advantages and disadvantages. This attitude, among other things, is contradictory. The teenagers, on the one hand, can see and evaluate themselves as well, deserving of respect for people, but on the other hand — as individuals possessing personal real drawbacks, which must be disposed of. But this teenager often manifests himself not as an adult; he is childish and downplays its drawbacks.

According to researching , educational activity is encouraged schoolchildren the hierarchy of motives, which may be the main internal motives related to the content of this activity and its implementation, or social motives related to the child’s need to take a position in the system of social relations. In this age there is a development of interacting needs and motives. Accordingly, when analyzing the motivation of educational activity is necessary not only to determine the dominant stimulus (motive), but also take into account the whole structure of human motivational sphere. So, it includes: the need for teaching, teaching meaning, motive teaching goal, emotions, attitudes and interest.

Motives of intellectual-cognitive plan are especially important for learning activities. They are understood, recognized, as a thirst of knowledge, the need of their assignment, the desire to raise horizons, deepen and systematize their knowledge. This is the group of motives, which correlates with the specific human cognitive activity, its intellectual need, having a positive emotional tone and insatiability. Following such motives, the student is strongly and enthusiastically working on learning material, more precisely, over by the decision of the educational tasks, without regard to fatigue, time, excluding other motivation and distractions.

Studying motivation is one of the most important motivations of this age period. Studying motivation is a particular form of motivation, included in the activities of teaching, learning activities. According to studies, educational activity of schoolboys is prompted by the hierarchy of motives, which may be the main internal motives related to connect with the content of this activity and its implementation, or social motives, connected with the need of the child to take a certain position in the system of public relations.

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