Цифровая трансформация на уроках английского языка 2020

Автор: Елена Багнюкова Опубликовано: 16.11.2020 Рубрика: Это интересно

Иностранный язык представляет собой учебный предмет, в котором предполагается создание искусственной языковой среды для обучающихся, что предопределяет вариативное включение различных цифровых средств обучения в новые перспективы преподавания иностранного языка. Использование цифровых технологий открывает новые возможности, как для учителя, так и для обучающегося.
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Effective ways to memorize English words in English lessons, 2019

Автор: Елена Багнюкова Опубликовано: 08.12.2019 Рубрика: Это интересно

Our brains perceive what we read and transform it into images, ideas, and feelings, and then form connections between new information and what we already know. So there is memorization-the new is combined with the old. Imagine a tree. Isn’t it easier to see a large spreading tree with many branches and leaves than a small tree with a few twigs? The same is true for the brain. When you combine a new word or concept with something you already know, it’s easier for the brain to find it and remember it at the right moment. How to do it? Very simply. Draw a network of concepts. Take what you want to remember (word, idea, sentence) and write it in the center of the sheet. Then draw lines from it in all directions, like a spider’s web.
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Статья в зарубежном сборнике «Стратегические вопросы мировой науки» — 2019 Bagnyukova E. language teacher, Kurushin E.

Автор: Елена Багнюкова Опубликовано: 25.03.2019 Рубрика: Это интересно

The problem of Internet addiction among teenagers.

The term «Internet addiction» was introduced by Dr. I.Goldberg in 1996 to describe an unconsciously long time on the Internet. A teenager is a constantly developing person who is looking for answers to vital questions for him: «Who am I? Why me? Who am I for? what am I?». It is known that the most important psychological neoplasm of this age is the formation of self-consciousness. An important feature that characterizes the self-consciousness of a teenager is the feeling of adulthood. So, the teenager puts himself in the situation of an adult in the system of real relations. Internet addiction contributes to the formation of a number of psychological problems in adolescents: conflict behavior, chronic depression, preference for the virtual space of real life, the difficulties of adaptation in society, the loss of the ability to control the time spent at the computer, the emergence of a sense of discomfort in the absence of the possibility of using the Internet. There may be various reasons for the constant need to use the Internet. Consider some of them.
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Статья в зарубежном сборнике «Современные научные достижения»-2019 Bagnyukova E., language teacher, Porkashyan M.

Автор: Елена Багнюкова Опубликовано: 25.03.2019 Рубрика: Это интересно

Problems of modern teenagers.

Teenagers is a serious challenge for the child and his parents. Teenagers often argue with their parents, they try to achieve greater autonomy and a minimum of control from adults. This is a natural step, however, parents in this period have to face disrespect for themselves. In situations where the behavior of a teenager is becoming increasingly problematic, it is important to resolve a difficult situation before it gets out of control.

  1. The teenager is obsessed with electronic devices. Most teenagers are constantly focused on mobile phones and messages, for them this is the way to stay in touch with their friends. However, this should not interfere with other aspects of their lives, such as studying, home help, and self-development. Some parents install computers in common rooms at home to be able to monitor activities; others place temporary restrictions on the use of devices.
  2. Teenager is hostile to parents. Parents may not notice when their tender child turned into an irritable teenager who behaves disrespectfully, speaks rudely, rolls his eyes and ignores the rules. Most of their youth, young people learn their own behaviors that are different from their parents. The opinion of friends is valued much more than the opinion of the family, and this can be dangerous. Whatever the case, it is important to establish basic standards of behavior, and an important rule is the prohibition to swear with parents. The teenager must understand that you will not tolerate unpardonable behavior towards you.
  3. The teenager quickly loses his temper. Any words provoke a teenager to irritation and rage, make them scream, cry, stomp their feet and run into another room. Often this is a result of the physical and emotional changes that a child is experiencing. However, this seriously complicates communication with him. Try to change your tactics — instead of moral teachings and advice, try to express sympathy to him. This will allow you to establish contact with a teenager and to achieve honest communication.
  4. The teenager tells a lie. There are many reasons why a teenager may not tell you the truth. For example, the desire to hide some facts from parents as a way to achieve greater independence. When your child hides the details of his life, it can be a disturbing sign that he has fallen into a bad company and is engaged in dishonest business. It can also mean that a teenager will not turn to you for help if she needs her. It is necessary to understand exactly what problems a teenager is hiding. In the case of unsuccessful attempts, it makes sense to contact a psychologist for help.
  5. A teenager chooses bad friends. You may find that some friends of your teenager dress in an inappropriate way and have a bad influence on him, however, this is not always a cause for alarm. A teenager can be very attached to friends, and any criticism of them will be perceived as acutely as personal criticism. Therefore, it is often better not to express your opinion too harshly. Of course, if you are worried that your child is taking drugs or doing other dangerous activities, it is important to intervene in time. Family therapy can help find solutions to eliminate the bad influence of friends.
  6. The teenager uses drugs. Try to understand why a teenager wants to use drugs. Perhaps friends in his company insist on it. Psychotherapists and other psychologists can help in finding a possible solution to a problem.


  1. Bayard D., Bayard R.T. “Your restless teenager. A practical guide for desperate parents. ” Translation by A. Orlov — Moscow: Academic Project, 2013. — 208 p.

2.Bowlby J. Attachment. Per. from English / Tot. ed. and entry article G.V. Burmese. — M .: Gardariki, 2003.– 477 p.
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Статья в зарубежном сборнике «Наука и цивилизация»-2016

Автор: Елена Багнюкова Опубликовано: 13.03.2016 Рубрика: Это интересно


Ways to overcome the language barrier when learning a foreign language.

Knowledge of a foreign language, especially English, has a great practical significance to successful competition in the labour market: an urgent need to obtain information both professional and general nature, is regarded as an important component of the image.
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Статья в зарубежном сборнике «Современные научные достижения»-2016

Автор: Елена Багнюкова Опубликовано: 13.03.2016 Рубрика: Это интересно

Ways to overcome language barrier

The language barrier is a special term to refer to psychological barriers in learning foreign languages. This is a purely psychological phenomenon, objective in nature, it does not exist. But when he anchors to your brain, your fears begin to feed it and block the flow of information into the subconscious. The following are typical fears that constitute the notorious «language barrier»:
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Статья в зарубежном сборнике «Стратегические вопросы мировой науки» — 2014

Автор: Елена Багнюкова Опубликовано: 16.11.2014 Рубрика: Это интересно

Features of educational activity among teens.

Before we discuss the motivation of development of educational activity of students of secondary school, it is necessary to determine how teens are psychologically different from adolescence and adults.
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Статья в зарубежном сборнике «Эффективные инструменты современных наук» — 2014

Автор: Елена Багнюкова Опубликовано: 16.11.2014 Рубрика: Это интересно

Psychotherapeutic approach in teaching foreign languages


Modern man’s life is unthinkable without intensive intercultural communication, both in the professional field as well as in the field of leisure, so the issues of foreign language teaching are relevant today as ever. The search for effective methods of language teaching is an important task as lingua-pedagogy and psychology — approaches to learning have always been based, and will be based on the actual time for your understanding of the principles of personal development and functioning of the mental processes.
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Статья в зарубежном сборнике «Становление современной науки — 2013»

Автор: Елена Багнюкова Опубликовано: 22.12.2013 Рубрика: Это интересно

Some psychological aspects of learning foreign language

Bad teacher teaches the subject.

Not good teacher helps to understand the essence subject.

A good teacher helps us to understand ourselves through the understanding of the subject.

Do we, the teachers of a foreign language, understand the uniqueness of our subject? After all, our lessons are essentially the only simulating real events and diverse communication situations in a class.
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Статья в зарубежном сборнике «Образование и наука 21 века — 2013»

Автор: Елена Багнюкова Опубликовано: 22.12.2013 Рубрика: Это интересно

Psychology of learning a foreign language

Surely everyone to learn a foreign language at least once wondered: «Why is it so hard to do it»?

Any activity, including speech, psychologically is arranged in the same way. Then why do we speak a foreign language harder than in native language? First, to build a statement, the carriers of different languages ​​have to do a number of operations: an analysis of the situation, objectives, terms of verbal communication, etc. Second, different languages differ ​​by operations that speaker must be done to build the statement with the same content and the same direction. It is impossible to capture these operations only by imitation: that we do not notice how, in practice, use both. And here we come to the main question: is there a dominant or a more efficient way? There are two main approaches to the study foreign languages ​​- traditional (based on imitation) and activity (method of activity).
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